Monday, January 26, 2015


If the Andersons weren't busy getting excessive amounts of sun at the local Y growing up, you could most likely find us at Six Flags. We LOVED riding roller coasters--the bigger the better. I can remember the first time I rode the Shockwave. It was the one right by the interstate and I always cringed as I watched people go upside down not once, but TWICE! I'm pretty sure I cried the whole way through the line, but Daddy insisted that I try it. Turns out, I loved everything about it and begged to ride it again! The best thing was when you were done riding and there was no line, so you got to stay on board for another round.
You wanna know what my least favorite roller coaster is? This one. The high points have been higher and longer lasting than they've been to date, but the lows drop faster than anything the Tower of Terror has ever seen.
People probably don't really care to read my sob story about the sadness I deal with/overcome/succumb to daily or the nostalgia of every special day, but I want to keep this memory to remind myself of everything I've dealt with in days to come, and, possibly, provide some sense of normalcy for someone else experiencing a similar pain. If you're in the former group, just stop reading now ;)
This past weekend I went to "Granny G's Christmas." It's the one time of year that all of my grandma's extended family gets together down in Fayette, AL to eat, laugh, and play games. We didn't go last year because we went to NOLA to cheer on my sister-in-law Melissa in her first 1/2 marathon. So, this was my first one to attend without Bradford since we've been together. I had a really great week and started off the day with the best of intentions to remain as upbeat as I could, even though the memories flooded me, starting with the first ice patch I dodged before I even got to Main St. You see, today marks 5 years since that sweet fella asked me to marry him.
I love that he proposed in the living room of the house I live in today :)
 This crazy guy drove down to MS to ask my family's blessing to marry me {after meeting them only once, I might add!}  He cooked my favorite meal and I called him Lucifer for asking me to stray from my diet #CLUELESS
There goes my fiance, y'all!  I couldn't wait for him to never have to leave at night again.  And don't worry; my walls aren't green anymore ;)

The following weekend was the annual Christmas gathering. It snowed so much that week, but there was NO WAY I wasn't making the trek down to show off my man and my bling!
Ice, Ice Baby!  The funny thing about this picture is that I took it right in front of the house we ended up living in!
Look at these BABIES!

            I told myself early on in my grief that I’m committed to feeling whatever it is that I’m feeling and riding it out.  I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to think I’m doing okay and then to be punched in the chest, barely able to breathe.  It is indescribable.  I also decided that I’m going to celebrate, commemorate, and whatever other –ate word you wanna throw in there during any memorable time this first year without him…who knows how comfortable I'll feel to be able to freely do that in the future.  He was a guy worthy of remembering and celebrating and was the best thing that ever happened to me.  Although it’s tearing me apart, tonight I am reminiscing and am so grateful for the night he asked me to be Mrs. Bradford Higgins. :)

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