Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Watch Out World...I've started a blog!

I spend a lot of time on the internet, as many of you do.  Okay--let's be real.  We all spend a little bit more time than we'd care to admit.  Lately I've found myself reading a lot of articles, clicking on one page that would take me to the next...and the next and the next.  I've found that I really enjoy reading blogs, whether they belong to friends of mine from college or strangers from across the globe!  I've gotten a lot of useful information, had a few laughs, and read a lot of things that made me feel like I'm not the only crazy person in this world. 

So here's to helping someone else out there feel a little less crazy!

I ran across a verse not once, not twice, but THREE times this week.  Galations 5:7 reads, "You ran well."  The first time I saw it I perked up a little bit because of my current obsession with running.  I don't hear those 3 words together very often, so I got excited...and may or may not have told my husband that the Lord was telling me GOOD JOB on my run that day! Ha!  Then when I heard it again in another class, I thought man, that would make a sweet t-shirt or encouraging card for one of my running buddies, even though it's totally being taken out of context.  Finally, *DiNg*!  I decided it would be a great inspiration for my blog!  I, of course, have found a new love in running.  Who'da thunk it, right?!  I enjoy talking about it, looking up info about it, and thought it would be fun to keep people updated on what's up with it on here.  Or even if nobody else reads this, I can go back and look at it ;) 

What's most important to me isn't setting personal records for my best mile, 5k, or even completing a marathon in killer time.  I want for others to know me as a girl who loves God and is a runner for HIM!  Shouldn't we all be?! Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Hebrews:12:1  Let's not get caught up in the things of this world and let them hold us back from being the Christians that we ought to be. 


  1. Yay Brittany! You go girl - I think it's awesome you're starting a blog about running. I mean hey, 1 Corinthians 10:31 says: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Keep up the good work!
    Love ya,

  2. I love it. I've added you as a link on my blog!
